
Profile picture Gabriella & Niria
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Gabriella & Niria

Ein Sängerinnen, Produzentinnen und Dj Duo aus Bern.

Professional activities:

  • Ableton Live
  • Arrangement
  • Beatmaking
  • Club
  • Vocals





irié is a duo project by two musicians combining electronic music with their vocals. The singers and sound producers Gabriella Plumettaz and Niria Kaufmann are based in Switzerland yet cherish their Brazilian roots. They beautifully fuse these two sides in their music and take their listeners to other worlds with their atmospheric, quivering and energetic performance.
They made their first public appearance as DJ's at the Feminist Strike 2022 in Bern and put their name on the Bernese music scene map. They played their first live set with vocals and electronic beats in July 2022 at the Lorraine Chilbi in Bern. Further performances in Bern and throughout Switzerland followed, for example at the Reitschule in the Queerfeminist Room, at the Rössli and at the Progr.
After their album-production time in their second home country Brazil, they come up with their first single «desfrutar».
Deep techno basses, spherical sounds, electrifying rhythms and, at the center of their musical creation, powerful yet sensual voices make everything melt, move and tremble to the core.

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