- zh
Franziska Koch
is performing, experimenting, curating, organizing, gathering, listening, practicing, …
OOR SaloonPronouns:
Franziska Koch is interested in multilayered, interwoven practices, theories, methods , co-existences and technologies. Franziska works on sonic performances and sound translations, experimental performances and exhibition formats based on collective and experience-based practices. In doing so she is committed to emancipatory, social, political approaches and engaged pedagogy.
As "No I Don't" Franziska released and performed with Aio Frei, Chantal Küng, TRA, Taimashoe, Sally Schonfeldt, Na-Ah and Pascale Schreibmüller amongst others.
She is co-founder of the record shop and event context OOR Records & OOR Saloon. Together with Aio Frei and Ahmet Köken and a network of friends and allies, they curate and organise listening events in the context of OOR Saloon. OOR Saloon is a soundart space and production-/event context focusing on emancipatory collaborative and intersectional queer-feminist politics/practices of listening and sound, electronic and electroacoustic music, experimental club culture, performance and sound art.
Franziska teaches artistic practices at the BA Fine Arts at the ZHdK.