- zh
Dorian Biolley
singer-songwriter, guitarist, music producer, psychologist, part-time nerd & hobby activist
Professional activities:
- Acoustic guitar
- Coaching
- Composition
- Cubase
- E-guitar
- Homestudio recording
- Music live
- Producing
- Research
- Songwriting
- Vocals
Hobbies and interests:
- Arrangement
- E-bass
- Engineering live sound
- Engineering studio sound
- Garageband
- Logic Pro
- Mastering
- Mixing
- Music studio
- Music video
Sugar Box sage&schweigePronouns:
Dorian Biolley is a guitarist and singer in the indie-pop band Sugar Box and the Celtic folk band Dorian Green. After releasing the EP "Morgen ist heute gestern" with their band sage&schweige, they started a soloist career as a singer-songwriter. Dorian is an active member and works as a songwriting and recording coach at Helvetiarockt. During their study years at Deutsche Pop Academy in Munich (music production and composition) and University of Zurich (psychology), Dorian was part of the singers class at Landes-Jugend-Jazz-Orchester Bayern.