
Profile picture Amina Cadelli
  • ge

Amina Cadelli

I am a self-educated music producer and visual artist.

Professional activities:

  • Artwork / visuals
  • Logic Pro
  • Music video
  • Performance
  • Songwriting
  • Vocals

Hobbies and interests:

  • Artwork / visuals
  • Music therapy
  • Music video
  • Songwriting




Her / She

I'm half swiss, half algerian, a self educated musical producer, visual artist.

I'm interested by a lot of different things and I'm always looking for new people to collaborate with, from scientists, to healers, to musicians.

I've been in this industry for almost 10 years, experiencing sexism at a very young age. I'm looking forward to connect with more women and to add my contribution to this amazing project.

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