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Laura Livers
Pianistin, Komponistin, Vermittlerin, Musikerin, Cheerleaderin für alles was neu, spannend und nerdy ist.
Attività professionale:
- Ableton Live
- Amministrazione
- Arrangiamento
- Basso elettrico
- Booking
- Canto
- Coaching
- Composizione
- Digital Performer
- Keyboard
- Laptop
- Musica live
- Organizzazione / gestione della cultura
- Performance
- Piano
- Politica culturale
- Songwriting
- Sound Design
Hobby e interessi:
- Ableton Live
- Artist management
- Artwork / visuals
- Blog / Vlog / Podcast
- Booking
- Engineering studio sound
- Festival management
- Giornalismo in campo musicale
- Music teaching
- Traduzioni
- Violoncello
Duo Frida Billie BirdPronomi personali:
I started out playing classical piano at a very young age. And whenever I got bored of sitting I‘d join a theater as an actress, or writing music for plays, or learn whatever instrument I could get my hands on. After finishing my studies in classical piano, jazz theory, and composition I continued my stage work, collaborating with performers, dancers, video artists, pop musicians and whichever creative person I met.
I currently play solo under my own name, in Duo Frida, where I create experimental Pop music for electronics, and support the most fabulous Billie Bird on stage as sidewoman.