Photo du profil Olivia Morof
  • zh

Olivia Morof

Singer, guitar player, graphic designer, socialist and beer drinker. Open for all kinds of band or graphic design projects, hit me up!

Hobbys et intérêts :

  • Artwork / visuals
  • Chant
  • Composition et écriture de chansons
  • Graphisme
  • Guitare acoustique
  • Guitare électrique
  • Piano
  • Politique culturelle
  • Travail médiatique

Pronom :


I was always interested in music and art. I've been playing guitar for 4 years and been basically singing (unprofessionally) all my life. Half a year ago I startet a band (we're still looking for a drummer and bassist) and been writing my first few songs – still an amateur tho. I work as a graphic designer und I'm always excited when I can combine my passion of design and music.

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