
Photo du profil Layla Jenni
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Layla Jenni

My name is LAYLA and I‘m a DJane from Bern. I play all different kinds of music, for example AfroBeats, Shatta, Hip-Hop and many more🫶🏼

Activités professionnelles :

  • CDJ / XDJ
  • Club
  • DJ
  • Festival

Hobbys et intérêts :

  • CDJ / XDJ
  • Club
  • DJ
  • Festival

Pronoms :


My name is Layla and I‘m 20 years old. During the week I‘m a student in socialwork and social politics and on the weekends I‘m a Dj. I started Djing in 2023. Since then I‘ve had a lot of amazing opportunities to play my sets. For example: I had the chance to play at Gurtenfestival in 2024, which was a dream come true for me. I‘ve loved music since I was little and I love seeing people enjoy my sets.

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