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Joan Seiler
Hi there! I'm a musician and artist. My band is called Jon Hood
Activités professionnelles :
- Chant
- Coaching
- Composition et écriture de chansons
- DJ
- Enseignement musical
- Guitare électrique
- Label / agence
- Musicothérapie
- Performance
- Photo / portrait du groupe
- Photo de performance live
Hobbys et intérêts :
- Artwork / visuals
- Booking / engagement
- Musicologie
- Organisation culturelle / gestion culturelle
Pronoms :
Born in San José, Costa Rica
5th of August 1988
Grew up in Lucerne, Switzerland
Body Semantics official video clip:
Ocean official video clip:
10/2017 «Body Semantics» Jon Hood, Label Red Brick Records
11/2011 «Mermaid» Joan & The Sailors, Label Little Jig Records
03/2013 «Home Storm» Joan & The Sailors, Label Little Jig Records
Since 01/2019 member of the board of the musicians collective and co-
operative and records label Red Brick Records
Since 08/2015 leader, singer and guitarist «Jon Hood»
Since 01/2014 DJ as Juan and in the DJ collective «Juan and Blerim»
Since 06/2011 concert photography, portraits, fashion photography and
art installations and photography mostly with pregnant women or bands
From 6/2021 - 11/2021 responsible for the scenery and decorations from
the new festival «Echolot» in Lucern
Since 07/2013 Independent concert organizer at Uferlos, Neubad or in the
past at the then temporarily occupied restaurant Schiff.
01/2009 – 08/2014 leader of the band «Joan & the Sailors»
Since 05/2022 care worker and tutor in a kreativ and natural atelier.
Working with and caring for people with cognitive disabilities.
Since 11/2018 Music teacher on a curative education school of the city Zürich and on other primar schools
Since 08/2018 coach at «Female* Music Lab», «Helvetia Rockt» music edu-
cation for girls and young woman
Since 01/2016 surveillance and administrator at art gallery «Benzeholz»
in Meggen, Lucerne
04/2019 – 09/2019 Intern of the exhibition curator at the space for con-
temporary art «Benzeholz» in Meggen, Lucerne
10/2017 – 01/2018 Musician for the music act «Rio»
11/2016 – 05/2017 Musician and composer on the Theaterproduktion
«Romeo & Julia» at «Luzerner Theater»
2015 – 2018 Bachelor in Fine Arts in Bern University of Applied Sciences
2014 – 2015 Art foundation course in Luzern University of Applied Scien
ces and arts
2011 – 2013 Music foundation course in Luzern University of Applied
Sciences and arts
2004 – 2008 Fachmittelschule FMS Luzern