
A relaxed meeting space for experienced musicians, producers, artists, bookers, DJ‘s and anyone working in music.
We’ll provide a room and are present incase people have questions, but it’s very much about musicians and people working in and with music having a space to meet and exchange in a relaxed setting.

We’ll have some refreshments there and you’re also welcome to bring your own drinks.

If you have any questions, you can contact
People can RSVP via this link:

FINTA = Female, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans, Agender Persons
NEXUS = Network
Helvetiarockt vision: Gender equity in Swiss popular music

Location: Zurich, KASHEME   Show on Google Maps

Time: 19.00 – 21.00

For: Frauen, inter, non-binäre, trans und agender Menschen

Age: All ages

Language: de • en • fr • it • rm