
Profilfoto Tül Demirbas
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Tül Demirbas

musicologist, Dr. des. / project manager & administrator / artist manager

Professionelle Tätigkeiten:

  • Administration
  • Artistmanagement
  • Festivalmanagement
  • Forschung
  • Fundraising
  • Kommunikation
  • Kulturorganisation / Kulturmanagement
  • Musikwissenschaft
  • Projektmanagement
  • Veranstaltungsmanagement

Hobbys und Interessen:

  • Medienarbeit
  • Music teaching
  • Musikjournalismus



Tül is a musicologist originally from Istanbul who is interested in both the academic and performance aspects of music and art. She grew up surrounded by artists, especially female artists (musicians, painters, illustrators, etc.), and academics who love to create. Also due to these personal backgrounds she strongly believes in the importance of reflecting about gender, migration and identity issues in the context of music and culture.

From a very young age she received a rigorous education as a violin student at a conservatory. Building on this deep musical background, she was teaching private lessons for more than 10 years (violin, piano, classical harmony, solfege, etc.), and worked for 5 years as a certified teacher for the “Music Together” program, an internationally recognized early childhood music program for children aged 0-5 and their parents/caregivers.

She completed her Bachelor in Musicology that mainly focused on Western classical music, and later graduated with a Master in Ethnomusicology whereas she wrote a thesis on the relationship between migration, cultural practices and music. This education gave her a great sense on cultural studies, fieldwork and anthropological, political and sociological aspects of music.

More recently, she has been working as a researcher and as a doctoral student in Musicology and Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies at the University of Bern since 2019. While writing her PhD thesis, and editing a book focusing on music and sound, and the court cultures in the early modern period, she continues to work on organizing concerts and festivals, which has been an interest of hers for a long time. She has taken different roles in this context: She supports the Verein “Musik rund um Bern” regarding the implementation of its concerts, being responsible for both the overall project administration and the Verein’s fundraising. Furthermore, she organizes concerts for a classical pianist of Turkish origin living in Vienna, as his manager. In addition to these, she is a dance addict. She has been doing Argentine tango for almost 15 years and is interested in other dances as well.

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